====== Andrew Yong ====== ===== About ===== Hello, my name is Andrew Yong, I'm a Singaporean living in cloudy Kuala Lumpur, and this website is a (largely incomplete) catalogue of my work, past and ongoing. I believe that information wants to be free, so this website also serves as a place to document anything I discover that may be of use to anyone else. **If something in my [[user:andrew:work:resume|Résumé]] or projects piques your interest and you'd like to collaborate, please write to me!** ===== Contact ===== * Email: * Telegram: [[https://t.me/andr3wyong|@andr3wyong]] ===== Donations ===== * [[https://www.amazon.sg/hz/wishlist/ls/3VAUXW1SUBSHQ|Amazon.sg Wishlist]] * [[https://ko-fi.com/Q5Q7YSI6Z|{{https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi3.png?v=3&.png?nolink|Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com}}]]