There's an improved GUI for Meshtastic that is actually designed for larger touchscreen devices.
( add some screenshots and pictures)
Targeted devices:
Unfortunately, it takes over the channel used for the Bluetooth/Web UI so Bluetooth functionality is lost.
Instructions no longer valid as image generation disabled
Here's how to obtain and flash it:
Instructions are written for PlatformIO core. The same build can be done in PlatformIO IDE for Visual Studio Code at the last step (i.e. after cloning the git repository and updating submodules).
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch tft-gui-work meshtastic-firmware-tft-gui-work && cd meshtastic-firmware-tft-gui-work
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd lib/device-ui/ && git pull origin master && cd ../..
pio run -e t-deck-tft