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projects:amateur_radio:meshtastic:retail_devices:heltec_hru-3601 [2024/06/18 16:23] – [Use Cases] Andrew Yongprojects:amateur_radio:meshtastic:retail_devices:heltec_hru-3601 [2024/06/18 16:32] (current) – [Hardware Notes] Andrew Yong
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     * Main thread LED - Board has no LED on simple GPIO     * Main thread LED - Board has no LED on simple GPIO
-===== Hardware Notes =====+===== Hardware Photographs and Notes ===== 
 +The HRU-3601 is slightly smaller than palm-sized, and consumes about 100mA when awake and idle, and about 300mA during transmit.
 {{:projects:amateur_radio:meshtastic:retail_devices:img_6799.jpeg?400}} {{:projects:amateur_radio:meshtastic:retail_devices:img_6799.jpeg?400}}
projects/amateur_radio/meshtastic/retail_devices/heltec_hru-3601.1718727838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/18 16:23 by Andrew Yong