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projects:electronics:stm32:stm32u0_notes [2025/03/12 14:46] – created Andrew Yongprojects:electronics:stm32:stm32u0_notes [2025/03/12 16:22] (current) – Lots more literature and information Andrew Yong
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 ====== STM32U0 Notes ====== ====== STM32U0 Notes ======
-===== Native USB =====+===== Literature ===== 
 +  * Datasheets 
 +    * [[|DS14581 STM32U031x4/6/8]] 
 +    * [[|DS14548 STM32U073x8/B/C]] 
 +    * [[|DS14463 STM32U083xC]] 
 +  * Application Notes 
 +    * [[|AN5938 Getting started with STM32U0 MCUs hardware development]] 
 +    * [[|AN2606 STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode]] 
 +  * Reference Manual 
 +    * [[|RM0503 Reference manual]] 
 +===== Development Boards ===== 
 +  - [[|Nucleo-U083RC]] (STM32U083RCT6) 
 +    * Purchasing 
 +      * [[|S$21.68 at element14]] 
 +    * User Manuals 
 +      * [[|UM1727 Getting started with STM32 Nucleo board software development tools]] 
 +      * [[|UM3256 STM32 Nucleo-64 boards (MB1932)]] 
 +  - [[|STM32U083C-DK]] (STM32U083MC) 
 +    * Purchasing 
 +      * [[|S$37.06 at element14]] 
 +    * User Manuals 
 +      * [[|UM3292 Discovery kit with STM32U083MC MCU]] 
 +      * [[|UM3313 STM32CubeU0 STM32U083C-DK demonstration firmware]] 
 +===== Operating Conditions ===== 
 +  * VDDx 
 +    * 1.71 ≤ VDDx ≤ 3.60 V (absolute maximum: 4.00 V) 
 +    * Nucleo-083RC LEDs become very dim when 3.3V net falls below 1.80 V 
 +  * Brownout Reset((RM0503, §3.7.7 FLASH option register (FLASH_OPTR), Bits 10:8 BOR_LEV[2:0]: BOR reset level)) 
 +    * Selectable: 1.7, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5 or 2.8 V 
 +===== Native USB (STM32U073, STM32U083) =====
 In order to use the native USB for programming on pins PA11 and PA12, the following settings **must** be done in STM32CubeProgrammer --> Option bytes --> User Configuration. In order to use the native USB for programming on pins PA11 and PA12, the following settings **must** be done in STM32CubeProgrammer --> Option bytes --> User Configuration.
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 | nBOOT1 | 1 (Checked) | Boot from Flash if BOOT0 = 1, otherwise System Memory | This is the factory setting | | nBOOT1 | 1 (Checked) | Boot from Flash if BOOT0 = 1, otherwise System Memory | This is the factory setting |
 | NRST_MODE | 1 or 3 | 1: Reset input only\\ 3. Bidirectional reset: The NRST pin is configured in reset input/output (legacy) mode | 3 is the factory setting | | NRST_MODE | 1 or 3 | 1: Reset input only\\ 3. Bidirectional reset: The NRST pin is configured in reset input/output (legacy) mode | 3 is the factory setting |
 +===== STM32duino LowPower & RTC =====
 +^ State  ^ Peripherals ^ Memory ^ Voltage Supplies (VDDx) ^ STM32RTC::LSI_CLOCK  ^ STM32RTC::LSE_CLOCK :!: ^ STM32RTC::HSE_CLOCK :!: ^
 +| LowPower.idle() | On | On | On | Supported | Supported | Supported |
 +| LowPower.sleep() | On | On | On | Supported | Supported | Supported |
 +| LowPower.deepSleep() | On | On | On | Supported | Supported | Supported |
 +| LowPower.shutdown() :!: | Off | Off | Off |   | Supported |   |
 +:!:: External hardware required
 +==== Prerequisites for LowPower.shutdown() ====
 +  * External 32.768 kHz crystal for LSE((DS14581/DS14548/DS14463, §6.3.7 External clock source characteristics, Low-speed external clock generated from a crystal resonator))
 +  * <code>rtc.setClockSource(STM32RTC::LSE_CLOCK);
 +==== RTC Clock Sources ====
projects/electronics/stm32/stm32u0_notes.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/12 16:22 by Andrew Yong