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projects:homelab:mikrotik:wap_r_ac_ep06_fudge_phone [2024/11/03 06:15] – created Andrew Yongprojects:homelab:mikrotik:wap_r_ac_ep06_fudge_phone [2024/11/03 06:27] (current) – [Steps] Andrew Yong
Line 36: Line 36:
     - //(Wait for reboot)//     - //(Wait for reboot)//
   - Fudge TTL (avoid tethering detection)   - Fudge TTL (avoid tethering detection)
-    - ''/ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting out-interface=lte1 action=change-ttl new-ttl=set:64 passthrough=yes'' +    * IPv4 
-    - ''/ipv6 firewall mangle add chain=postrouting out-interface=lte1 action=change-hop-limit new-hop-limit=set:64 passthrough=yes protocol=!icmpv6'' +      - ''/ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting out-interface=lte1 action=change-ttl new-ttl=set:64 passthrough=yes'' 
-    - ''/ipv6 firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=lte1 action=masquerade''\\ (optional, depends on how strict your operator is - did not require this for DiGi; will break globally routable public IPv6 for end devices)+    * IPv6 
 +      - Enable IPv6: ''/interface lte apn set [ find ] ip-type=ipv4-ipv6 ipv6-interface=bridge'' 
 +      - ''/ipv6 firewall mangle add chain=postrouting out-interface=lte1 action=change-hop-limit new-hop-limit=set:64 passthrough=yes protocol=!icmpv6'' 
 +      - ''/ipv6 firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=lte1 action=masquerade''\\ (optional, depends on how strict your operator is - did not require this for DiGi; will break globally routable public IPv6 for end devices)
   - Now use Quick Set to finish the remaining configuration for your APN (if LTE is not working) and Wi-Fi   - Now use Quick Set to finish the remaining configuration for your APN (if LTE is not working) and Wi-Fi
projects/homelab/mikrotik/wap_r_ac_ep06_fudge_phone.1730614502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/03 06:15 by Andrew Yong