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projects:homelab:sfp_gpon_onu:time_fbb [2025/01/24 13:20] – ↷ Page moved and renamed from projects:homelab:sfp_gpon_onu_with_time_fbb to projects:homelab:sfp_gpon_onu:time_fbb Andrew Yongprojects:homelab:sfp_gpon_onu:time_fbb [2025/01/24 13:21] (current) – [Purchase Links] Andrew Yong
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   * ODI DFP-34X-2C3 (SC/APC - Time fiber termination is APC!)   * ODI DFP-34X-2C3 (SC/APC - Time fiber termination is APC!)
-==== Purchase Links ==== 
-    * Aliexpress - Fibershow Store 
-      * [[|PON STICK EPON GPON XPON SFP ONU Stick With MAC PPPoE IPoE HGU SC Connector pon module 1490/1330nm 1.25Gbps 802.3ah]] :!: Select //Color: **XPON APC**// for DFP-34X-2C3 
-      * The same store sells a [[|Mini media converter]] that allows accessing the SFP GPON ONU without the incoming laser signal 
 ===== Firmware ===== ===== Firmware =====
projects/homelab/sfp_gpon_onu/time_fbb.1737724845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/24 13:20 by Andrew Yong