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travel:malaysia:vanlife [2024/03/23 11:22] – external edit [2024/11/03 10:58] (current) – [Mersing - Tenggaroh - Pemberton Campground] Permanently closed Andrew Yong
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 ===== Campsites - East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia ===== ===== Campsites - East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia =====
-==== Mersing - Tenggaroh - Pemberton Campground ====+==== Mersing - Tenggaroh - Pemberton Campground (Permanently Closed) ==== 
 +:!: Pemberton Campground is permanently closed :!:
 {{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground.jpg?300|}}{{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground_1073.jpg?300|}}{{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground_1115.jpg?300|}} {{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground.jpg?300|}}{{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground_1073.jpg?300|}}{{:travel:malaysia:vanlife_pemberton_campground_1115.jpg?300|}}
travel/malaysia/vanlife.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/03 10:58 by Andrew Yong