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Ikoka Nano Meshtastic Device

GitHub repo:

A Meshtastic device based on the Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 and EBYTE E22-XXXMXXS series LoRa modules. Pinout matches the Meshtastic xiao_ble variant.

The focus is on small size without an onboard display or buttons, meaning it must be used with Meshtastic client software, or as a remote repeater managed with remote node administration.


  • Qwiic connector for I²C sensors

Libraries Used

Building One

Software Required

  • The files were created in KiCad 8
  • Clone this git repository recursively, i.e. with –recursive

Ordering PCBs

  • Follow the instructions to generate Gerbers at your PCB house, e.g. JLCPCB PCB Files Preparation
  • Default 1.6mm 2-layer PCB settings should work well, this PCB passes DRC based on JLCPCB specifications (other than the silkscreen of XIAO module being clipped by the PCB edge)
  • PCBA: I used JLC PCB Plug-in for KiCad to generate a BOM and CPL file compatible with JLCPCB PCBA

Ordering Components

Assembling the PCB

  1. Solder U2 E22 module
  2. Solder U1 XIAO nRF52840
  3. Solder C1
  4. Solder Qwiic socket


Follow the instructions at meshtastic/firmware/variants/xiao_ble/.

PCB Images

projects/amateur_radio/meshtastic/diy_devices/ikoka_nano.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/11 05:00 by Andrew Yong